by Xianna Michaels | Mar 27, 2014 | Editorial
Month: March 2014 I am very eclectic and would say I have favorite poems more than favorite poets, but I am drawn to spiritual poetry above all, with love poems a close second. Here is a partial list of poems I go back to again and again (in no particular order). Abou...
by Xianna Michaels | Mar 27, 2014 | Editorial
brain I enjoy studying fashion history and going to vintage shows, and I love vintage jewelry. I love to read and I’m forever buying books. I read a great deal about the new frontiers of brain chemistry and the implications of technology thereof. I am both fascinated...
by Xianna Michaels | Mar 27, 2014 | Editorial
character It’s a very intuitive process and it can happen in one of several ways. Sometimes a character simply is who he or she is, and will tell me his or her name right away. In Mindel and the Misfit Dragons, Mindel simply appeared as Mindel. She was Mindel from the...
by Xianna Michaels | Mar 27, 2014 | Editorial
Month: March 2014 I began writing stories as soon as I could write. I wrote my first “book” when I was in first grade and home sick with the measles. It was fully illustrated with a pink cover and was entitled, “The Big Parade”. I still have it. I began writing poems...
by Xianna Michaels | Mar 27, 2014 | Editorial
fountain No. I do all my work with a fountain pen. The flow of pen-and-ink on the paper is an integral part of my creative process. I first discovered fountain pens when I was a little girl visiting my father’s law office in downtown Brooklyn. He would sometimes take...
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