When did you begin writing stories and poems?

by | Mar 27, 2014 | Editorial

I began writing stories as soon as I could write.

I wrote my first “book” when I was in first grade and home sick with the measles. It was fully illustrated with a pink cover and was entitled, “The Big Parade”. I still have it.
I began writing poems for school assignments in third grade. My first poem was about the autumn. The first two lines were:
“Some leaves turn red and sometimes brown.
Then the leaves come tumbling down.”
Even then, I loved iambic tetrameter.

I wrote my first “book” when I was in first grade and home sick with the measles. It was fully illustrated with a pink cover and was entitled, “The Big Parade”. I still have it.
I began writing poems for school assignments in third grade. My first poem was about the autumn. The first two lines were:
“Some leaves turn red and sometimes brown.
Then the leaves come tumbling down.”
Even then, I loved iambic tetrameter.