About Giving Thanks

We all have negative bias to some degree. We tend to notice and focus on what's wrong in our day, our lives, our country, more than on what's right. The experts tell us this has a biological, evolutionary basis. That is, back in the day it was much more important to...

Thanksgiving 2015

Editorial I have always loved Thanksgiving. I love gathering with family and friends, decorating my autumnal table, and serving the turkey and all the trimmings. And I've always thought of Thanksgiving as a special opportunity to thank G-d for America, for the miracle...

On Election Day

day Election Day is fast-approaching. This election is what’s commonly known as “the midterms.” It’s been a difficult political season. Dire events are unfolding in the world. Control of Congress may be at stake. It’s important for every adult citizen to become as...

July 4th : A Legacy of Independence

american Independence Day is the birthday of our country, the day the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The first one to sign the Declaration was John Hancock, in a script said to be large enough that the British King George III...