Getting to Know My Uber Drivers

Not long ago I had the pleasure of visiting family in New York and New Jersey. As everyone is rather spread out, I found myself calling Uber quite a bit. I am new to this service, since here in LA we basically live in our cars. So I didn't quite know what to expect,...

New York Fashion Week Past and Present

New York Fashion Week 2016 for the Fall fashion preview takes place in New York City from February 11th through the 18th and is one of the major fashion events in the world. From New York it will move on to London, Milan and Paris. During Fashion Week international...

Broadway – Inspired by the Legend

Editorial We all have negative bias to some degree. We tend to notice and focus on what's wrong in our day, our lives, our country, more than on what's right. The experts tell us this has a biological, evolutionary basis. May 29th is the birthday of T.H. White, author...