What I’m Thinking About This Mother’s Day

As Mother's Day approaches, I'm thinking about my new book, Lily of the Valley—An American Jewish Journey, just published in March. It's about five generations of women pursuing the American Dream and what happens to their connection to observant Judaism as they...

Mommy’s Lap – A Poem

mom From time to time I’ll share a poem I’ve written for children, often from the child’s point of view. I wrote this poem after watching a very young child bravely try to adjust to the new baby who had recently joined the family. Mommy’s Lap I love my baby brother,...

My Mother Understood

mother For my 10th birthday my grandmother gave me a book entitled, My Poetry Book- An Anthology of Modern Verse for Boys and Girls edited by Huffard, Carlisle, and Ferris. That book (which I still own) became a cherished companion for many years. In some ways I feel...