Introducing the Xoem®
What exactly is a Xoem®? I wrote a pamphlet called, "A Xoem a Day Keeps the Spirit in Play", and I do try to write one a day. It's a unique, six-line, circular-shaped verse form which I developed and love to use as part of my intuitive
morning writing process. It can be composed on its own or along with a mandala drawing. I'll be introducing the Xoem in my new book, The Alchemy of Illuminated Poetry®, which will be published in June, 2017.
Xoem® is pronounced "zō-ĕm," has eighteen accented syllables and rhymes abccba. It's fun and challenging to write, and has a habit of yielding unexpected insights and surprising conclusions.
Here's an example of one I wrote in a peaceful moment one morning in my garden. I thought I would just be writing about the pleasure to be found beneath my palm trees. Instead the Xoem reminded me that life will always bring surprises, some not so pleasant. A touch of whimsy helps, as does acceptance.
The palm trees sway.
A welcome breeze comes through.
I sit nearby and let them shade me
And feel a sense of peace pervade me.
Rats like palm trees, too,
Or so they say.
morning writing process. It can be composed on its own or along with a mandala drawing. I'll be introducing the Xoem in my new book, The Alchemy of Illuminated Poetry®, which will be published in June, 2017.
Xoem® is pronounced "zō-ĕm," has eighteen accented syllables and rhymes abccba. It's fun and challenging to write, and has a habit of yielding unexpected insights and surprising conclusions.
Here's an example of one I wrote in a peaceful moment one morning in my garden. I thought I would just be writing about the pleasure to be found beneath my palm trees. Instead the Xoem reminded me that life will always bring surprises, some not so pleasant. A touch of whimsy helps, as does acceptance.
The palm trees sway.
A welcome breeze comes through.
I sit nearby and let them shade me
And feel a sense of peace pervade me.
Rats like palm trees, too,
Or so they say.
© 2018 Xianna Michaels. All rights reserved.